ZODIAC® Dual Action Flea & Tick Spray for Cats & Kittens
This spray helps kill adult fleas and ticks for up to 7 days and helps prevent flea eggs from hatching for up to 60 days, so your cat or kitten remains pest-free. Help rid your kitty of unwanted pests with this ZODIAC Dual Action Flea & Tick Spray for Cats & Kittens. The specially designed formula puts an end to the flea life cycle using Precor® insect growth regulator, which prevents flea eggs and larvae from maturing. The spray helps kill fleas and ticks for up to 7 days and helps stop flea eggs from hatching for up to 60 days, so your furry friend can remain happy and healthy.
For cats and kittens 12 weeks of age and older
Helps kill adult fleas for up to 7 days
Helps prevent flea eggs from hatching for up to 60 days
Contains Precor insect growth regulator to help prevent flea eggs and larvae from maturing into adult fleas
Read entire label before using this product
Cover animal's eyes with hand
With a firm, fast stroke, spray head, ears and chest until damp, but not soaked
Using your fingertips, rub formula into face around mouth, nose and eyes
Spray your pet's neck, middle and hind quarters, finishing with the legs
For best results, spray against natural lay of hair, rub in well, wipe off excess with dry cloth and brush
Active ingredients: (s)-methoprene 0.27%, pyrethrins 0.2%, piperonyl butoxide technical 0.37%, n-octyl bicycloheptene dicarboximide 0.62%
Keep out of reach of children.Toxic to birds, fish and other aquatic life. Cover fish aquaria in the vicinity of treatment area.Eye irritant.Do not use on nursing animals.Consult a veterinarian before using on sick, aged or pregnant animals or animals receiving drug or other pesticide treatment.Sensitivities may occur after using any pesticide for pets. Sensitive cats may exhibit temporary and nonharmful salivation when exposed to products containing pyrethrins. In cases of known sensitivity, the use of lower treatment rates is recommended. If signs of sensitivity occur, bathe your pet with mild soap and rinse with large amounts of water. If signs continue, consult a veterinarian immediately.Available in an 8-oz. (236 mL) size
ZODIAC® Premise Flea Spray for Pets
Help kill fleas and ticks and prevent flea eggs and larvae from hatching with this flea spray. The formula is suitable for use on a variety of surfaces, including furniture, carpets, pet bedding and upholstery. Say goodbye to unwanted pests with this Zodiac Premise Flea Spray. The special formula helps kill adult fleas and ticks hidden in pet bedding, carpets, furniture and other areas of your home. The spray helps prevent re-infestation by killing flea eggs and larvae for up to 7 months, so you can enjoy a pest-free home.
Helps kill adult fleas and ticks hidden in carpets, cracks, crevices, upholstery, furniture, pet bedding and other areas
Helps protect against flea eggs and larvae for up to 7 months to prevent re-infestation
Contains PRECOR® insect growth regulator to help keep your home pest-free
Water-based spray helps avoid staining furniture or leaving any sticky messes
Read entire label before using
Thoroughly vacuum your home, including floors, carpets and furniture, and discard vacuum bag after use
Wash your pet's bedding, living quarters and surrounding area prior to treatment with this product
Point can downward 35-1/2" (90 cm) from the surface to be treated and activate
Using a sweeping motion, apply a light, uniform spray to all surfaces of furniture, carpets, rugs, drapes and around all pet resting areas
Active ingredients: (s)-methoprene 0.078% and permethrin 0.8%
Contains the allergen soy.Keep out of reach of children. Keep children and pets away from treated surfaces until dry.Do not treat pets with this product.Do not spray on plants, foodstuffs, food utensils, fish bowls or animals feed areas.Only complete application to carpets, upholstery and other fabrics will ensure flea elimination.Test in an inconspicuous area prior to use on light-coloured or delicate fabrics.Available in 1000 (treats up to 1,000 sq. ft./93 sq. m) and 2000 (treats up to 2,000 sq. ft./185 sq. m) varietiesAvailable in 8-oz. (227 g) and 16-oz. (454 g) sizes*See menu selections above for sizes and styles in stock and available online.
*This product is currently not available for purchase in or shipment to the state of California.